Two Genres

A plant based lifestyle creates serious change,

Thanks Giving Dinner (1)



The foldable concept is fairly simplistic, as I wanted it to appear understandable, easy, and approachable. 

As a trifold should, it lays out an intro to a fairly large topic. Because the switch to a plant-based diet is a large life change for most people, I wanted to make the trifold clear and accessible.

Most people don’t want a huge step by step process unless they’re specifically searching for it. I pamphlet gives a debut to the idea of something. It was intentional that it contained very few words and layed out the general baseline of a plant based lifestyle. A trifold appeals to everyone. With regard to the idea of the many flyers in the lobby of most doctor’s offices, community centers and even CCNY, pamphlets spread ideas quickly and in a very simple way. When approaching my audience, I wanted to ensure that the general population could understand that veganism is a lot more simple than believed to be. 

With regard to the poster, the purpose is to create thought. As we worked on these projects near Thanksgiving, a big part of me considered the millions of turkeys that were given up for thanksgiving dinners across America. I wanted to create something that made my audience think, but not have trouble decoding and understanding the main idea. Plants are suitable for everyone. The purpose was to make people determine that plants are suitable for thanksgiving as well. Turkey is not vital, and while the poster says nothing about turkey itself, the main idea behind “Thanksgiving Dinner” for much of the American population is Turkey. 

This poster creates a resonating thought with regard to plants being suitable for everyone. The disclaimer adds the small notion of pushing for big change. 



All in all, this was probably my favorite rhetorical piece we worked on this semester. I liked being able to hide meaning in the poster, and being able to advise in the trifold. The audience strategy with regard to creating each piece kind of came from how I switched to a plant-based diet. On earth day of 2019, I saw posts on instagram and twitter with easy switches to plant-based foods. I saw art people had created, and for this project, I wanted to make things simple. By selecting a trifold, I was able to put steps and suggestions into simple form. Pamphlets are not difficult for the general population to look at- my stance was very clear, as I used directing language to suggest change. This was made to be easily accepted and read through quickly. Trifolds give baseline presentations, and that is exactly what mine did. It covered a bit of each aspect of plant-based diets, and gave leeway to continued interest and learning. This was pretty straightforward and didn’t require guessing or deep thought.

On the other hand, the poster I created had a bit of a deeper purpose. I’m really proud of it, as a lot played into the creation, as simple as it is. I knew that I wanted to create a poster. Being a visual learner, I really take in my surroundings through what I see. Color, lighting, font- the aesthetics of every single situation that I’m in have an effect on the mood that I feel or that I’m placed into. With the choice of a poster, I was able to be a bit artistic with photoshop. The stance here is a bit more tough, as it pokes at a animal-based holiday. As the day approached, I felt more and more that an impact should be made. It needed to be strong, and I wanted to contrast the trifold. I created this poster with the intention of using the time of year to my advantage. The holidays are known to bring unhealthy, animal based foods, and although the choice is at times religious, the idea of a plant-based meal is suitable for every human. The disclaimer on the poster is a quick note that enforces this. I think this poster brings a loud voice to a quickly growing topic, and I’m proud of it.

This was my favorite project thus far. The creativity lead to a different understanding on the rhetorical situation that we had yet to approach.